Gortnahoe N.S.
Eircode: E41F857
T: 087 7919488
New School Phone Number/ School Communication
The school is now using a mobile phone number instead of a landline, thus enabling you to send text messages when relevant. This phone will now be in operation during school hours.
The new school number is 087 7919488.
Please save this number in replace of 056 8834390 which is obsolete.
Certain communication needs to be a phone call or a face-to-face meeting and to arrange these please use email or text messaging as much as possible.
Absences, early collection, late arrivals etc. can be notified via email to the relevant class teacher as the preferred method or by texting (second preferred option) the school mobile.
Maria is available in the office for any queries and calls Monday to Friday from 9.10 am to 12.10pm.
Relevant Email Addresses:
Office/ Maria Dooley: info@gortnahoens.ie
David O’Dwyer: principal@gortnahoens.ie
Ciara Lanigan ciaralanigan@gortnahoens.ie
Ruth O’Dwyer ruthodwyer@gortnahoens.ie
Sarah Kelly sarahkelly@gortnahoens.ie
Mary Hurley maryhurley@gortnahoens.ie
Ciara Ryan ciararyan@gortnahoens.ie
Ciara O’Dwyer ciaraodwyer@gortnahoens.ie
Annmarie Cullen annmariecullen@gortnahoens.ie
TJ Mockler tjmockler@gortnahoens.ie
Arlette Phelan arlettephelan@gortnahoens.ie
Jackie Moriarty jackiemoriarty@gortnahoens.ie
Amy Shanahan amyshanahan@gortnahoens.ie
Bríd Coakley bridcoakley@gortnahoens.ie
Máirín Mullins mairinmullins@gortnahoens.ie
Joan Kehoe joankehoe@gortnahoiens.ie
Martina Cleere martinacleere@gortnahoens.ie
Anne Campion annecampion@gortnahoens.ie
Helen Doyle helendoyle@gortnahoens.ie
Ann Marie Ryan annmarieryan@gortnahoens.ie