
  • Homework is assigned Monday to Thursday with the children being excused homework on weekends provided that their work has been conscientiously and satisfactorily done on the other nights. Homework is never given on unfamiliar subjects and is merely for reinforcement of material covered in class. Homework is not given on the first day back at school or special occasions as decided upon by the principal. If a child’s birthday falls on a school day there will be no homework given to this pupil. If a birthday falls on a non-school day, unfortunately you will receive homework as normal. We encourage children to get out and play as much as possible and to limit screen time.
  • Suggested timeframe for homework:
    a) Infants: 10 – 15 mins aprx.
    b) 1st/ 2nd: 20 – 30 mins aprx.
    c) 3rd/4th:  30 – 45 mins aprx.
    d) 5th/6th: 30 – 45 mins aprx.
  • If homework is not done a note to the teacher should be informed.
  • Please Note: It is important that your child has somewhere quiet to study away from noise and distraction – a busy kitchen or a room near a television are not recommended!
  • Homework can also be differentiated in liaison with the class teacher, special ed. teachers and parents.
  • “Learning Homework” and “Reading” Homework should be valued as equally as written homework.
  • It is VITAL that your child or you the parent does not become stressed or anxious about completing homework. All teachers can be approached for the pupose of adjusting homework to suit the individual child. If a problem arises at homework, please speak to the teacher, sooner rather than later. Your relationship with your child is more important than any homework.
  • Written homework in June is at the discretion of the class teacher, however we would encourage that reading continues regardless.

Helpful Hints for Homework

  • Be Positive – If you’re positive there’s a better chance of your child being positive.

Good phrase to repeat – Is that a helpful comment?

Don’t engage with any complaining or moaning

  • Praise the effort – not the result.

Keep the praise simple and specific – e.g. good reading,  good sounding, good listening, neat capitals, you remembered your full stops etc.  Start your sentences with ‘I’ and comment on the positives – e.g.  I see you remembered your capital in the first sentence,  I noticed you were listening carefully,  I can see you are really trying today etc. (The opposite should never be used –  You’re not listening,  You didn’t remember …. You keep forgetting that word …)

  • Don’t do anything for your child that he/she can do for himself/herself.

Always let your child get the homework folder, organise it and call you when everything is ready.  Don’t help.  Let your child choose what order the homework is done in.  Supervise the tidy up.  Don’t help!

  • If your child is right-handed sit on the left and if your child is left-handed sit on the right.

Watch how all the letters are being formed.  Don’t correct during the sentence dictation.  When all the homework is done demonstrate the correct formation and practise for a few seconds!

All the above will develop self-discipline, develop organisational skills, improve self-esteem and improve your relationship with your child.